Make It Heartfelt

Take the “W”

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He disarmed those who once ruled over us—those who had overpowered us. Like captives of war, He put them on display to the world to show His victory over them by means of the cross. – Colossians 2:15

Song Suggestion: Undefeated by KB

My dad passed away in January of 2016. I remember in the week leading up to his passing, I sat in my living room and said out loud, “He is going to get healing. But that isn’t what I wanted.” I had been praying for healing of course. Divine healing. Miraculous healing. But what I meant was that I wanted my daddy here on earth with me. It was heavy and hard. It seemed unfair, like God had used a loop hole to answer my prayer and yet leave me in pain. It felt like a draw, rather than a victory.

I’d like you to think for a moment about how we consider hardship here on Earth. We “lost” a loved one. We “lost” the baby. We “lost” our job. We “lost” our home. It is the verbiage of grief because it feels like a loss. Something that was previously there is now gone, and our perception of reality in that moment is that something has been truly lost. We are defeated. Now I am not saying that experiencing grief is wrong or sinful in any way. Psalm 34:18 tells us “The Lord is near the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” But something I have been considering lately is how that verbiage of loss translates to how I pray for future miracles.

I think sometimes I get confused and think that this is a “lost the battle but win the war” type situation. But no! God does not lose. Not one single fight. He is undefeated. He conquered death. He conquered the grave. He conquered the world. There is no room left for Him to lose. But sometimes when things get hard here on Earth, we begin to think God has been knocked to His knees. I know I have imagined Him out of breath and worn down in those moments, placing human limitations on a transcendent God. We forget, this is not His home field folks. This is not where He goes to celebrate. His ticker tape parade is a HOMECOMING, it ain’t happening here! So why do we think that God is ever the underdog? Why do we pray and then act like God’s victory is some Cinderella story in the NCAA championship that we never saw coming. God is not Gonzaga! (Hello 1999 flashbacks.) Some of ya’ll out here have way more faith in Duke than you have in the KING.

It’s not even like it is close. We are talking landslide victory. I have been listening to a lot of Christian rap lately and one of my favorites is “Undefeated” by KB. There is a line that says “Ya’ll act like my Son didn’t die on the cross….I ain’t taking no loss.” It gets me because it is a reminder that nothing here on this earth is too big for our God and yet we still fear that satan will claim this win. It is impossible, he is incapable. The only spoils of war he will ever receive are the ones we willingly hand to him. And you know we do it. We give satan so much ammunition and yet God gives us a full suit of armor with which to protect ourselves from the things we intended to harm ourselves with.

We stand on the sidelines of our lives and hold our breath like we don’t know the outcome. The tomb is still empty friends. Go ahead and mark this battle with a “W”.


  1. What battle are you hesitant to claim God’s victory over today?
  2. What is holding you back from being confident in this season?
  3. What is something that, no matter the outcome, you can say will be a victory for God?


Lord, today I am claiming your victory over my life. I can go confidently and boldly forth knowing that your will prevails in every circumstance and that even in the hardship, you are never knocked down. Thank you for the protection you have placed on me, for your provision in this circumstance and for taking up the mantle of my champion in each and every battle. I pray for peace and courage in this season. Amen.